

UBS AG is a major player in private banking, asset and risk management, corporate and institutional finance, financial trading and financial product sales worldwide. The transformation of UBS into a truly global bank has been driven by the need to develop a more diversified source of income in the face of increased competition in both home and foreign markets. Even though, expansion has mainly been confined to its foreign operations, UBS continues to enjoy the largest market share of the Swiss retail banking sector.
On June 29, 1998, Union Bank of Switzerland merged with the Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC), Switzerland's third largest banking group, to form the UBS AG, a global financial institution which is the second largest of its kind in the world behind the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Group.
I am or have been associated with the former Union Bank of Switzerland and the current UBS AG as a shareholder, as a member of staff and as a customer. From 1985 to 1988, I was employed as a banker-in-training under a 3-year program sponsored jointly by the Federal Government and the employer. For 3 months in 1993, I substituted for a bank officer on vacation. I have been a customer of UBS since my birth and a shareholder since 1988. Further details of my relationship with UBS can be obtained from my curriculum vitae, available for download on this site.